Poor Mans Communications
With big tech controlling access and main stream media filtering and editorializing all the news you need access ways to communicate. To be prepared you need to be able to communicate and get news. Here are the TOP ways for you to do that.
“FREE” Communication Options
These are are some free options for social media, texting and communications. You can use aliases if you choose (except Signal) and they give you a method to communicate and discuss subjects widely.
Alternate Social Media
GAB.COM – Free Social Media Platform. Webpage only. There is no custom GAB app for Android or iPhone. Sign up for GAB.COM here: https://gab.com/ *RECOMMENDED*
MEWE.COM Free social media platform. Webpage only. There is no custom MEWE app for Android or iPhone. Sign up for MEWE.COM here: https://mewe.com/
Truth Social – only available on Apple
Signal a smartphone and PC application that is tied to your cellphone number. It provides encrypted communications to each individual and to GROUPS. All voice, data and video is encrypted. It uses TCPIP (internet protocol) so if there is internet access you could still communicate.
Signal Groups: You can create groups of people by inviting them based on their cell number (or ID once you know them). Signal allows you to text or chat to the group or VOICE CALL the entire group. The voice group call is an instant encrypted party line, so get your friends and family on it and you can use it to communicate reasonably safely.
PC App: Signal has a PC app that is also encrypted and it synchs to your phone to ensure security.
Install the Signal App Here: https://signal.org/download/ *RECOMMENDED*
Telegram APP
This one does NOT require a cellphone BUT it doesnt encrypt everything. It is about 1/2 way between pure texting and social media. Telegram groups can be invite only or “open”
Telegram has PC based application
Install the Telegram App here https://telegram.org/ *RECOMMENDED*
Good Telegram Groups. A couple Telegram groups we suggest are:
- https://t.me/commonsensehome
- https://t.me/realx22report
- https://t.me/preplibrary
If you know of other good Telegram groups leave them in the comments below.
Rumble Video
YouTube is cracking down on pretty much everything. If you end up wanting to post video and not get it instantly banned, try out Rumble.COM
Solutions that Cost Money
There are a couple of solutions for communications should cellphones and internet become unavailable including: HAM (shortwave radio), CB Radio and GMRS/FRS radio.
Emergency Radio (receive only)
A boring simple emergency radio that can listen in on FM, AM, Emergency frequencies and HAM (shortwave) is a good purchase. This one is good https://commonsensehome.com/kaito-ka500-review/ It has solar, and crank and can charge other devices and be charged by multiple power sources.
Satellite Phones (Send/Receive)
Even if cell is down, odds are satellite will still work. All the real functional services require a monthly fee, so these are PRICEY.
Ham (Shortwave Radio Send/Receive)
*RECOMMENDED* Shortwave is best SHTF/TEOTWAWKI solution. It is old school and pretty much guarentees you can communicate widely (even globally), even in a grid down situation. It does require power of some sort. It also requires a LICENSE, but the license is fairly easy to get.
We recommend the water resistant Japanese made Yaesu FT65 handheld shortwave radio to get started. The Baofeng UV-9R Dustproof Waterproof IP67 is the recommended waterproof Baofeng alternative. Larger units will cost more but give you a LOT more range with a decent antenna.
Range for Ham handhelds is generally line of site up or up to 5 miles. A good antenna can improve handheld HAM range. A handheld HAM can be repeated so range can be much better if there is a nearby HAM/Shortwave repeater/base station.
Note: Base stations and antennas can be quite expensive.
Get started with HAM Radio here: https://www.instructables.com/Getting-Started-in-Ham-Radio/
CB Radio (Send/Receive)
*RECOMMENDED* Citizen Band Radio (CB) does NOT require a license. The bad news it is shorter range than HAM. You can get a car kit or handheld fairly cheaply.
Range for CB handhelds is generally line of site up or up to 5 miles. A good antenna can improve handheld range.
The MidLand unit is a good vehicle/base station it includes nearly everything to mount it. The COBRA HH50WXST is a decent CB Handheld. The Midland 75-822 is a good one that can be either used in a car or used as a handheld. Range for handhelds is generally line of site up or up to 5 miles.
General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) (Send/Receive)
GMRS is a licensed solution with similar broadcast range to CB. Midland has a lot of handheld and base station options. This is a good “local” solution and popular for hunting or hiking/camping.
Range for GMRS handhelds is generally line of site up or up to 5 miles. A good antenna can improve handheld range. A handheld can be repeated so range can be much better if there is a nearby repeater.
Midland has good GMRS handhelds and base stations.
FRS (Family Radio Service) (Send/Receive)
FRS is an unlicensed solution, but wattage is limited. It is shorter range because of that. We do not recommend it.
Range for handheld FRS is generally line of site up or up to 3-4 miles. It does NOT support a base station.
Other Frequency References
- GoTenna is a mesh Radio system for Smartphones https://gotennamesh.com/products/mesh
- Signals Handbook for Small Teams http://citizenmilitem.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/SignalsVOL_1.pdf
- SHTF Survivalist Radio Frequency List https://radiofreeq.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/shtf_survivalist_radio_frequency_list.pdf
- SHTF Blog Frequencies https://www.shtfblog.com/emergency-radio-frequencies-preppers-must-know/
Other Related Links
- Good detailed Emergency Communications Info: https://graywolfsurvival.com/2716/ham-radio-best-shtfdisaster-communication/
- WeAreTheBackupPlan Am I Prepared?
- CommonSenseHome Emergency Radios (Handheld Radios)
- More about communications https://www.shtfblog.com/bug-out-communication-gear-and-strategies/